Download> Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.4.0 Keygen Crack


Software Description:

Wood Group Intetech’s ECE® programis a tool for the quantitative estimation of corrosion rates andthe selection of materials for oil and gas production systems andprocessing facilities. At the heart of ECE-5 is a new and improvedmodel for corrosion analysis and material selection, firmly basedon laboratory data, and field calibration studies both withpipeline and with downhole tubing.

Key features:
– Corrosion-rate prediction for sweet and sour service conditionsbased on the fundamental chemistry of the solubility of thecorrosion products
– Corrosion evaluation incorporates critical factors such as oilAPI gravity, water cut, flow rates and angle of flow
– Calculated outputs for multiple positions along a flowline or upa tubing string
– Instant output updates, for example, corrosion-rate profiles,with changes in input parameters
– Carbon steel failure risk evaluation considering both generalisedand pitting corrosion risks
– Quantitative evaluation of corrosion-resistant-alloy suitabilityfor a matrix of conditions that covers temperature, partialpressure of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, chloride contentand pH
– Life cycle cost analysis that takes into account fabricationspeed, pipe-laying method and means of corrosion control
– Help files with technical background and references

Installer Size: 20 MB

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