JetBrains RubyMine v2017.3.2 Build 173.4301 Crack


Software Description: JetBrains RubyMine v2017.3.2 Build 173.4301 + Crack

RubyMine is developed as an accessible Ruby andRails IDE with the full stack of essential developer tools, alltightly integrated into a convenient and smart developmentenvironment.

RubyMine is an Integrated Development Environment that providesa comprehensive Ruby code editor. The IDE is aware of dynamiclanguage specifics and delivers smart coding assistance,intelligent code refactoring and code analysis capabilities.

Furthermore, RubyMine allows you to easily configure projects andmanage Ruby Gems.

Here are some key features of “RubyMine”:
– On-the-fly code analysis throughout the project tree with typeinference and quick-fixes
– Rails Models Diagram, Rails Project View and other specializedproject/file views for faster overview & navigation
– RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, MiniTest & Test::Unit codingassistance and GUI-based test runner
– Cutting-edge Ruby development stack support: Bundler, RVM,etc.
– HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing with auto completion andrefactorings. Plus CoffeeScript, HAML, SASS, and LESS
– Zen coding snippets for productive HTML/CSS authoring
– JavaScript debugger based on Mozilla Firefox and GoogleChrome
– Ruby Debugger: Ruby/Rails applications and tests debugging in aeasy-to-use interface even in Windows
– Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce and CVS integration with aunified UI
– Diff, merge, history views and changelists for every supportedVCS
– Bundled Textmate, NetBeans, Eclipse & Emacs keyboard schemes,plus Vi/Vim emulation plugin

Installer Size: 220 MB

Download Links : JetBrains RubyMine v2017.3.2 Build 173.4301 + Crack

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