Download Ikon Science RokDoc v6.1.4.1089 Crack Patch


Software Description:

RokDoc defines Quantitative Exploration andDevelopment. RokDoc is a comprehensive Quantitative Interpretation(QI) platform. Designed to be powerful and easy to use, RokDoc isthe number one QI platform of choice at oil companies worldwide(Survey Aupec 2012).
RokDoc gives interpreters access to rock physics, forwardmodelling, seismic inversion, geopressure, advanced quantitativereservoir analysis and geomechanics. It enables asset teams tomaximise the value of available data and regional knowledge.
RokDoc is made possible by on-going partnerships between IkonScience and major oil companies in addition to the over 170companies directly feeding into its development.

1D2D Rock Physics & Forward Modelling
The foundation of modern Quantitative Interpretation
RokDoc has all the tools for forward modelling and rock physicsanalysis to link well data to seismic data and relate rockproperties to exploration data. Forward modelling is a powerful“what if?” tool to predict the change in seismic signature relatedto bed thickening or thinning, changes in rock properties such asporosity or permeability, fluid changes and tuning effects that caninterfere with direct rock and fluid property identification
3D functionality
 The one stop shop for rock physics modelling andpredictions
The 3D framework allows for multidisciplinary combinations of rockphysics models with seismic data, sedimentological information andstochastic techniques for better predictions and decisions based on3D property volumes. Unique seismic data conditioning (SDC)technologies contribute greatly to the reliability of theresults.
RokDoc ChronoSeis
4D seismic modelling and monitoring
RokDoc ChronoSeis is a 4D seismic modelling and monitoring tool boxbacked by sophisticated rock physics models. ChronoSeis makes itpossible to associate time-lapse seismic with time-lapse reservoirproduction history or reservoir simulations to predict conditionsaway from well control points, greatly facilitating in-filldrilling and drainage planning
RokDoc GeoMechanics
Intelligent well locations and drilling plans
RokDoc 6.2 combines geomechanics with geopressure and rock physicsto provide a fully integrated workflow for creating robustgeomechanical models in 1D and 3D
RokDoc GeoPressure
Geologically driven processes for pore pressure prediction
1D to 3D pressure analysis and prediction. Ikon is an award-winningworld leader in pressure prediction methodologies based on theseminal research of University of Durham under the leadership ofProfessor Richard Swarbrick. RokDoc GeoPressure software embedsthis know-how in user-friendly analytical and modelling tools

Installer Size: 168.67 MB

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