Download Date Time Counter v8.0 Build 048 Crack

Date Time Counter is used to count years,months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds for the past/futureimportant events based on current date and time, such as theseimportant events: birth, marriage and anniversary. For the futureevents, it is just like a countdown timer, for the past events, itis a time tracker.

The numbers of date time elements are refreshed automatically onthe main interface, and you can set the refreshing frequency. Also,copying the value of any field, saving/loading events, thousandsseparator and decimal in all numeric fields features areprovided.

Of course, some useful options are built-in: refreshing frequency,precision of the numbers of years, months, weeks, days, hours,minutes and seconds, font name and size of the events listing,foreground colors of different event types.

An event is a basic data unit of this program, and a set of eventscan be saved as a data file (.xml format). Date Time Counter allowsyou to load the specific events set from a data file, usually, youcan make your events data file according to individual, used scope,such as son’s events, father’s events, work events or lifeevents.

Installer Size: 0.724 MB

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