Download The Foundry Colorway 2.0 v1 x64 Crack


Software Description:

COLORWAY is an application that fosterscreativity and focuses the decision-making process, recognizingthat a team of people involved in making design decisions havedifferent goals and expertise. COLORWAY significantly streamlinesthe iterative design workflow, bringing clarity and efficiencythrough fast, nondestructive material and lighting changes.COLORWAY Presenter is a free, approachable application that enablescustomers or colleagues to review and control ‘looks’ in real-time.Clients can also review and make modifications within predeterminedmaterial and lighting options.

Here are some key features of “Colorwaykit”:

Presentation & review:
Change multiple image parameters—colors, textures, decals—in asimple, easy-to-use ‘3D-aware’ environment without the need tore-render. The Backdrop and Image Overlay filters allow you tograde and place imagery in front of and behind your COLORWAYrender, adding additional context or branding to thedesign.

COLORWAY Presenter:
COLORWAY Presenter is a separate review application that lets yourclients review and modify ‘looks’, materials and lighting optionsfrom choices you defined in the full COLORWAY application.
Variations & looks:
Save ‘looks’ that can illustrate various lighting conditions, decalchanges, colors, and/or material properties to enable clearerdownstream communication and design review.

Iterative, ‘non-destructive’ workflow:
Store changes to renderings independently of source images,enabling changes to be automatically reapplied to updatedrenderings or to be sent back to the host 3D application for finalrender output. Live-link source images with Photoshop, or output toother image editing and compositing solutions to further refine thelook.

Installer Size: 49 MB

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