Download AVG Remover for Win32/Poweliks v1.2.0.951 Keygen Serial


Software Description: AVG Remover for Win32/Poweliks v1.2.0.951 Crack Patch

Win32/Poweliks.A is a trojan which tries to download othermalware from the Internet. It can be controlled remotely.
When executed, the trojan copies itself into the followinglocation: %malwarefilepath%:0
In order to be executed on every system start, the trojan sets theRegistry entry.

Developed by AVG Technologies,AVG Remover forWin32/Poweliks is a small-sized utility designed to findfiles infected with the Win32/Neshta viruses and remove them. Itshows statistics and features some handy options that are intuitiveenough to be figured out even by less experienced users.

Trojan.Poweliks is a Trojan horse that installs as a filelessthreat and performs click-fraud operations.
Trojan.Poweliks is a threat that installs itself into the Windowsregistry where it hijacks many existing CLSID entries to run itselfwhen essential functions of Windows are performed.
In addition, it stores its own code within registry entries whichallows it to remain persistent on a computer but not have any ofits file stored directly on the computer file system.

Once installed, Trojan.Poweliks may contact its command and control(C&C) servers to download further instructions. The primarygoal of Trojan.Poweliks is to perform click-fraud operations whichinvolves covertly downloading large numbers of onlineadvertisements onto the compromised computer and then automaticallyclicking or interacting with them with a view to earning fraudulentadvertising revenue for the attacker.

In certain cases, secondary infections by other threats may occurdue to the downloading of malicious adverts (malvertisement)leading to exploit kits. The ransomware, Trojan.Cryptowall has beenseen on some computers compromised by Trojan.Poweliks due tomalvertisement.

Installer Size: 1.2 MB

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