Download CST Studio Suite 2016 SP1 Keygen Serial


Software Description:

The electromagnetic simulation software CST StudioSuite is the culmination of many years of research anddevelopment into the most accurate and efficient computationalsolutions for electromagnetic designs. It comprises CST’s tools forthe design and optimization of devices operating in a wide range offrequencies – static to optical. Analyses may include thermal andmechanical effects, as well as circuit simulation.

CST Studio Suite benefits from an integrated design environmentwhich gives access to the entire range of solver technology. Systemassembly and modeling facilitates multi-physics and co-simulationas well as the management of entire electromagnetic systems.

CST Studio Suite can offer considerable product to marketadvantages such as shorter development cycles, virtual prototypingbefore physical trials, and optimization instead ofexperimentation.

Installer Size: 4021.33 MB

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