Clean Space v7.14 Full Crack


Software Description: Clean Space v7.14 Crack

Clean Space is a tool that you can use to tidyup your computer and delete your traces by eliminating unnecessaryfiles.
Upon initialization, Clean Space automatically performs a scan jobon your computer. Its interface is clean and simple to follow.Clean Space can be easily used by individuals of any experiencelevel.

So, you can set the tool to automatically delete tracks andgarbage by following a set of predefined rules or you can enteradvanced cleaning mode and make your own changes.
You can check out the program title and disk size, along with thetotal number of files and registry keys. Clean Space can clear theautocomplete history in the Open/Save box, clear the clipboard andempty the Recycle Bin.

– Clean Space can clear Windows Paging File on Windows shutdownwhich guarantees removal of all private sensitive information whichwas in Windows RAM.
– In case of failure (when some file is used by hidden programduring cleaning) Clean Space warns you and suggests solution.
– Clean Space closes windows and programs that should be closed toperform secure cleaning of your PC.
– Clean Space can be installed in a hidden mode and no other useron your PC can find it.
– Clean Space supports third party program profiles and you canselect which one should be included in cleaning.
– You can review data collected under each area that Clean Spacewill remove. You can use White List function to keep some data ifneeded.
– Clean Space has separate checkbox for each area in any programsupported.
– Clean Space clears visible tracks and garbage (for example,history) but plus – invisible, for example: date of recent programuse which is stored in the registry for technical use, but canbetray you.
– Reminder and cleaning in background mode. Clean Space containsmany functions to remind you to clean your PC.
– Clean Space renames files to random digit names before removal toprevent any recovery of file names.
– Clean Space reminds you to clean PC when you close yourbrowser.

Installer Size: 14.1 MB

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