Coolutils Total PDF Converter v6.1.0.142 Full Crack


Software Description: Coolutils Total PDF Converter v6.1.0.142 + Crack

Total PDF Converter converts PDF to DOC, RTF,XLS, HTML, BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, EMF, PNG, EPS, PS, TIFF, TXT, CSV,and PDF in batch. If you want to convert a bunch of PDF fileswithout having to waste time reading instruction manuals, then thisis converter for you. Unlike other batch PDF converters, the TotalPDF Converter is extremely user-friendly due to a well-plannedinterface. Users can rely on predefined settings or use their ownvalues. Total PDF Converter maintains your original folderstructure so that you receive the output files in perfectorder.

Loaded with options, when you convert files using the PDFconverter, you can also:
– Convert multi-page PDF files to HTML/DOC/XLS/RTF/CSV/JPEG andmore in batch; while placing each page into a separate file.
– Add page numbers to your output files starting from any number(e.g. “6,7,8”).
– Omit unnecessary items by selectively converting text only; zeroimages. Or the other way around; images only with no text. Moreunique options..

Total PDF Converter is both powerful and flexible when it comes toperforming custom format conversions. With support for over 15different formats (PDF/PS/EPS/PRN/XPS/OXPS and more) it’s neithercomplex or difficult to use. In fact, we think it’s the mostuser-friendly converter out there!

Installer Size: 44.6 MB

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