Download Thimeo Perfect Declipper v3.01 for Winamp + Full Crack


Software Description:

Perfect Declipper is a sound enhancing Winampplugin that enables you to improve the quality of your songs andremove the audio distortions that occurred during recording. It iscapable of retrieving certain natural dynamics and restoringclipped areas from an audio stream.

Perfect Declipper improves the audio quality of too loudrecordings. This includes most modern CD’s and MP3’s (see ‘Whyshould I use it’ on the right). It does this by calculating themissing (clipped) information from the data that is stillavailable.

Music has been released at continuously increasing volume levels.This has come at a cost: Reduction of dynamics and clipping.Clipping means that the loudest spikes in the music are cut off,which causes digital clipping distortion. In the last few years, ithas gotten so bad that in some cases you can even clearly hear thedistortion on laptop speakers.

Perfect Declipper can restore the clipped parts of the audio, inmany cases the result is indistinguishable from the original, notclipped, recording. In the process, it also restores part of thedynamics.

Installer Size: 6.9 MB

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