Active File Recovery v17.0.2 + Crack


Software Description:

[email protected] File Recovery for Windows provides theability to effectively detect and recover files and disks lost dueto accidental deletion, disk formatting, virus and otherreasons.
[email protected] File Recovery for Windows is a software application thattackles a sensitive issue, namely the recovery process of lost,deleted, or formatted files.
In case you have accidentally removed a file from the computer, therecovery operation should be carried out as soon as possible,otherwise the program may not be able to restore the deleteditems.

[email protected] File Recovery for Windows recovers lost data from harddrives, floppy or USB drives, and offers support for the followingfile systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and NTFS5.
Furthermore, the program is able to restore files with thefollowing file formats: DOC, XLS, PPT, MDB, SDW, RPT, VSD, PST,DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, JPG, BMP, AVI, ZIP, and others.

The application features two scanning modes: quick and super scan.Of course, the first one performs a basic scan and reveals thedeleted files and folders found on the selected hard drive.
The second method offers a comprehensive scanning operation whichlooks for all possible deleted data. At the end of the task, youcan view details about the name of the file or folder, size,attributes, ID, as well as date when it was created, modified, anddeleted.

[email protected] File Recovery for Windows gives users the possibility toperform searches based on different criteria (e.g. file format,size, ID), view information about each partition (e.g. label, type,file system, capacity, serial number, volume status), and selectthe directories and files to be restored.

– Photos recovery, pictures recovery if they were deleted fromflash media, or lost due to formatting a memory card
– Large disks are supported (large than 2TB)
– Data Recovery on unbootable due to a computer crash, virusattack, damage by malicious program, or power failure PCs (Ultimatepackage)
– Recovers from damaged Microsoft FAT/exFAT, NTFS/NTFS+EFS, AppleHFS+, Unix UFS, Linux Ext2/Ext3/Ext4/BtrFS file systems
– File Organizer for files detected by signatures allows tore-organize files in folders tree, rename files based on theinternal attributes and preview re-organized data before actualrecovery occurs (Professional packages)
– Recovery for all Windows versions supported
– Recovers deleted files from damaged, formatted or reformattedpartitions
– File recovery for files and documents that have been lost by diskformatting, damaged by virus attack, or a power failure
– Partition recovery after disk partition(s) loss / deletion /re-format / physical damage on FAT, exFAT, NTFS, HFS+, UFS, ExtFSand BtrFS
– Raw Disk Image (sector-by-sector copy) & Raw Compressed DiskImage creation for future data analysis and data recovery from theimage
– Supports hardware RAID disk arrays virtual reconstruction. RAIDdata recovery (Professional packages)
– Full support for multi-language character sets (Unicode),recovers files and folders having names containing not only Latincharacters
– Different types of drive scan: QuickScan (Fast), SuperScan(Slow), and Last Chance recovery
– SuperScan technology recognizes 117 file types by signatures andsorts them in folders (see details)
– The software is not strictly limited to finding these specificfile types. Custom file signatures can be defined using simplescripting language. When the logical structure of a hard drive isheavily corrupted, this signature scan will use a special algorithmto seek out such files. Under typical file deletion or formattingof a hard drive, a regular scan is sufficient to reveal files ofANY type.

Installer Size: 20.8 MB

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