BETA CAE Systems v17.0.0 x64 Full Crack


Software Description:

BETA CAE Systems headquartered in Thessaloniki,Greece, is a private engineering software company committed to thedevelopment of state of the art CAE software systems that meet therequirements of all simulation disciplines. The company’s products,the ANSA / µETA pre- & post-processing suite.

ANSA is an advanced multidisciplinary CAEpre-processing tool that provides all the necessary functionalityfor full-model build up, from CAD data to ready-to-run solver inputfile, in a single integrated environment. ANSA is the users’preference due to its wide range of features and tools that meettheir needs. The list of productive and versatile features is longand the alternative tasks and processes to be completed using themare countless.

μΕΤΑ is a thriving multi-purpose post-processormeeting diverging needs from various CAE disciplines. It owes itssuccess to its impressive performance, innovative features andcapabilities of interaction between animations, plots, videos,reports and other objects. Even very complicated tasks can beaccomplished either in interactive or In batch mode, takingadvantage of the unparalleled automation capabilities of μΕΤΑ.

Here are some key features of “BETA CAESystems”:
– efficient data handling for intricate model structures
– fast and high quality modeling of complex geometries
– capability to interoperate between models built for differentsolvers
– highly automated processes and model set-up tools in oneenvironment
– reduced user-dependent error-prone operations
– complete model build-up for numerous solvers in oneenvironment
– unique capability for building a common model as a basis formodeling for different disciplines
– significant modeling time reduction and quality increase
– short learning curve and deployment time
– a single tool for 3D, 2D post-processing, for all disciplines
– high level of automation for all processes. until reportgeneration
– high performance of results reading and graphics display
– low memory footprint
– pre-configured discipline specific toolbars
– prompt software updates for the support of the latest solverresults versions
– synergy with ANSA
– direct coupling with optimizers
– short learning curve and deployment time

Installer Size: 1779 MB

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