Universal Extractor v2 Crack Serial


Software Description:

The moment you become an internet power user who downloads a lotof files on a regular basis, you may come across some archived onesthat are not supported by your current compression tool.
Looking for various such tools is not that effective. Each one ofthem can work only on certain types of archived files, and you endup wasting a lot of time in the process.

The simplest solution here is to have an extractor that workswith all (or at least most) archive types, like UniversalExtractor.

We are referring to a very simple program that doesn’t have anyspecial features, and the user interface is extremely simple.

During setup, you can enable Explorer context menu integration,such as Add UniExtract Files, Add UniExtract Here, and AddUniExtract to Subdir.

You select the archived file or installer you wish to extract, thedestination directory, and go!

In Preferences you can set up the language of the application, thedebug file directory, keep track of archive history, andenable/disable warning before executing files, removing duplicatefiles, removing temporary files, or appending missing fileextensions.

This small tool is amazing, and free!

It may even compete with more famous names, such as WinRar or 7-Zipif updates will be done as soon as a new type of archivesappears.

CPU and memory usage is barely noticeable, and we couldn’t find onebad thing about Universal Extractor.

What are you waiting for? This must be one of the  firstsoftware you store on your computer when have just re-installedWindows.

Full List of Supported Formats:
7-zip archive  | *.7z, .exe
ACE archive  | *.ace, .exe
ARC archive  | *.arc
ARJ archive  | *.arj, .exe
ASpack compressed file  | *.exe
BIN/CUE CD-ROM image  | *.bin, .cue
bzip2 archive  | *.bz2, .tbz2, .tar.bz2
CPIO compressed file  | *.cpio
Debian package  | *.deb
DiscJuggler CD-ROM image  | *.cdi
Encoded files  | *.b64, .uu, .uue, .xx, .xxe, .yenc, .ntx
Gentee package  | *.exe
gzip archive  | *.gz, .tgz, .tar.gz
IMG floppy disk image  | *.img
Inno Setup package  | *.exe
Installer VISE package  | *.exe
InstallShield Cabinet archive  | *.cab, .1, .lib
InstallShield package  | *.exe
ISO 9660 CD-ROM image  | *.iso
KGB archive  | *.kgb, kge, .exe
LZH compressed file  | *.lzh, .lha
LZMA compressed file  | *.lzma
LZO compressed file  | *.lzo
LZW compressed file  | *.Z, .tz, .tar.Z
LZX compressed file  | *.lzx
MHTML file  | *.mht
Microsoft Cabinet archive  | *.cab, .exe, .imf
Microsoft Compiled Help file  | *.chm
Microsoft compressed file  | *.??_
Microsoft LIT e-book  | *.lit
Microsoft Windows Help file  | *.hlp
HTC NBH ROM image  | *.nbh
Nero CD-ROM images  | *.nrg
NSIS package  | *.exe
Oasis Document Format (ODF) document  | *.odt, .odp, .odg,.ods
Office Open XML (OOXML) document  | *.docx, .pptx, .xlsx
Outlook Express mail archive  | *.dbx
PEA archive  | *.pea
RAR archive  | *.rar, .001, .exe
Reflexive Arcade package  | *.exe
RoboForm package  | *.exe
RPM package  | *.rpm
SetupFactory package  | *.exe
SIS (SymbianOS) packages  | *.sis
StuffIt packages  | *.sit
TAR archive  | *.tar, .tbz2, .tgz, .txz, .tz, .tar.bz2,.tar.gz, .tar.xz, .tar.Z
UHARC archive  | *.uha
UPX compressed file  | *.exe, .dll
Windows Imaging Format image  | *.wim
Windows Installer merge module  | *.msm
Windows Installer package  | *.msi
Windows Installer patch  | *.msp
Windows Update Standalone patch  | *.msu
Wise Installer package  | *.exe
XZ compressed file  | *.xz, .txz, .tar.xz
ZIP archive  | *.zip, .jar, .xpi, .wz, .exe
Zoo archive  | *.zoo

Installer Size: 25.4 MB

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