Hot Virtual Keyboard v8.5.0.0 Full Crack


Software Description:

Create your own virtual keyboard and type like a pro by using amouse or touch screen! Hot Virtual Keyboard makesprevious-generation on-screen keyboards look ancient. Type fasterwith configurable mouse gestures, launch programs, browse theInternet, and run programmable macros with any of the 45 keyboardsincluded with Hot Virtual Keyboard.

The new virtual on-screen keyboard employs advanced typingtechniques used in modern mobile phones and communicators,including word auto-complete allowing you to choose the right wordwith a single click after entering just one or two letters. Usersof Tablet PC, UMPC, Panel PC, Car PC and similar touch-screendevices will find Hot Virtual Keyboard indispensable.

Use a mouse, touchpad or fingers for on-screen typing. With HotVirtual Keyboard, you can type faster and more conveniently than byusing built-in Windows On-Screen Keyboard. Use gestures for quicklyperforming repeat operations such as shifting the case of theletters, specify applications to hide Hot Virtual Keyboard from,and set your own hotkeys to launch programs or Web sites, runmacros, and perform operations such as copy and paste.

The new virtual onscreen keyboard replaces Windows built-inOn-Screen Keyboard with a much more advanced alternative. It’s justas useful and as compatible as the native application. Supportingall languages and all installed keyboard layouts, Hot VirtualKeyboard is a truly international tool.

Supplying over 40 pre-defined keyboard skins, the virtual on-screenkeyboard allows you to create, customize and configure a unique newkeyboard to your personal liking. Adjust colors and gamma, assignunique sounds to groups of keys, set shape of the keys and chooseyour own background.

Using a virtual on-screen keyboard does not have to be a hassle.Try Hot Virtual Keyboard, and you’ll never go back.

Here are some key features of “Hot VirtualKeyboard”:
– Hot Virtual Keyboard enables you to use gestures to quicklyinsert spaces or change the case of the letters.

Programmable Keys:
– A single tap launches an application, opens a Web site orexecutes a keystroke macro. Pre-program keys to perform routinetext editing tasks such as copying and pasting, or to control thebehavior of opened windows and various aspects of your system.

Word Auto-Complete:
– Hot Virtual Keyboard lets you type faster and more accurate bysuggesting words based on just one or two taps. The technologyworks much like the one available in modern mobile phones andcommunicators, enabling faster and more accurate typing bysuggesting the correct words after entering just a few symbols.

Complete Customization:
– There are more than 40 different virtual on-screen keyboardssupplied with Hot Virtual Keyboard. Haven’t found the perfect one?Modify any virtual keyboard or create your own by specifying thebackground, shape, color and font of the keys, sounds of differentkey groups, and many more parameters to create a virtual on-screenkeyboard to your liking.

International Support:
– Hot Virtual Keyboard supports all languages and keyboard layoutsinstalled in Windows, and is ready to help users of touch-screendevices all over the world.

Control Windows Behavior:
– Assign keys 58 different actions such as Connect/Disconnect froma Network, Volume Up/Down, Mute, Eject/Close CD, Monitor On/Off,Start Screen Saver, and many more.

– Keys to launch applications, open Web pages or run macros with asingle tap

– Fully customizable look and behavior

– Support of multiple languages and keyboard layouts

Installer Size: 7.29 MB

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