Download> Black magic v2.8 Full Version Patch Crack

If you have photos that didn’t quite end up the way you wantedthem to, with full, vivid colors, then you should resort to imageediting. Digital photos can easily be adjusted with the help ofBlackMagic Pro Edition.

The software comes with a nice interface where most of the app’sfeatures are found. Basically, BlackMagic can help you colorizeblack and white, sepia or infrared photos, but also to correct thecolor levels for all other images.

You can load any Bitmap or JPG pictures from the hard drive. Thesecan be edited with the help of a few tools. The luminance, colorlevels and saturation can be adjusted.

Also, by using the brush, paint or “Magic Touch” tools, thecoloring can be adjusted. The software offers a wide selection ofpalettes, complete with suggestive names. Thus, you can use one ofthe specific shades of water, color the sky for a specific time ofday, choose the perfect hair or eye color, adjust the skin hue orpick the perfect shade for the earth and grass.

In just a few steps you can restore the colors of black and whitepictures, or enhance that photo you took of the sea on the lasttrip. You don’t have to worry about having the same shade over theentire area because the app automatically detects the colorparameters based on the content of the photograph. Therefore, theresulting picture is as vivid as your memories.

All in all, BlackMagic Pro Edition is a great tool that’s extremelyeasy to use. However, inexperienced users might need some time toget used to all the functions.

Installer Size: 2.2 MB

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