Shark FX v9.0.11.1210 x64 Crack Serial


Software Description:

Shark FX is a highly versatile design productthat revolutionizes the ease of 3D content creation, suitable forprototypes, 3D printing, rendering, animation, and precisemanufacturing, all within one seamlessly integrated package.Complimenting the extensive 3D content creation tools, Sharkprovides an unprecedented number of formats to share 3D content,especially valuable when working in diverse designenvironments.

State Of The Art Technology
Shark supgorts an integrated collection of 2D, 3D, mesh, surface,and solid modeling tools. You choose the tools or combination oftools you need for the task at hand. Notable tools include numerousspline creation and modification commands, seventeen surfaceconstruction methods, blending, chamfering, shelling, stretching,twisting, bending, and foreign part editing tools. Shark uniquelybridges the gap between mesh and solid modeling with state of theart technology that converts meshes into smooth associative solids.Meshes converted into solid models are suitable for rapid designoperations using feature based operations such as blending,chamfering, and shelling as well as sharing to precision fileformats such as STEP.

Cost Effective Solution
At half the cost of AutoCAD, Shark delivers unprecedented value asyour complete design solution. From concept through production,Shark’s state of the art technology, innovative user interface, andextensive data translators will help you get your product to marketfaster and more efficiently. Experience the Shark advantage in yournext product design!

Share Data With AutoCAD™, CATIA™, andSolidWorks™
Shark provides an extensive set of tools for translating datawhether you are working with 2D, mesh, or solid modeling data. The2D formats include supgort for Adobe™ Illustrator™, BMP, EPS, andJPEG. Mesh formats supgorted by Shark include OBJ, 3DS, FACT, STL,RAW, SketchUp™, VRML, and export to 3D PDF. For those needing toshare precise surface or solids, Shark supgorts IGES, STEP, SAT,AutoCAD™, Rhino™ 3D, Pro/E™*, VDA*, CATIA™*, SolidWorks™*,SolidEdge™*, NX™*, ParaSolids™*, and Inventor™*. *Available only inPC versions of Shark FX.

3D Modeling
Shark includes a powerful set of 3D design tools for curve,surface, solid, and mesh modeling that includes:
– Associative NURBS-based surface modeling with skins, covers, andnets
– History Based/Feature Tree for Rapid Iterations
– Direct face editing for designing independent of history tree
– Constant and variable radius blending and chamfering
– Twist, bend, boss, hole, boolean, and shell features
– Mass properties and interference checking
– Automatic 3D to 2D Drawing Generation
– Rendering and Animation

2D Drafting
Complimenting the extensive 3D modeling tools is a completecollection of tools for creating and modifying 2D geometry.
– Over thirteen dimension types including GD&T
– Trim, extend, join, fillet, chamfer, and fill curves
– Interpolate, Bezier, Sketch, Fit spline creation tools
– ISO and DIN standards for Hatching
– Verify lengths, angles, distances, and curvature
– 2D Section Properties for Area, Centroid and Moment ofInertia
– 26,000+ Symbols
– Markup and Bill of Material
– Intelligent wall, door, and window tools

Installer Size: 618 MB

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