Download IObit Driver Booster Pro v5.0.1.112 Crack


Software Description:

Driver Booster is a lightweight softwareapplication whose purpose is to help you manage outdated driversfor all your devices. The tool features an automatic scan mode thatallows you to update all your drivers and game components so youcan enjoy a stable performance of your system and smooth gamingexperience.

Clean feature lineup
You are welcomed by an intuitive layout that reveals a list withthe outdated drivers and another list with the up-to-date ones.Additionally, the tool offers detailed information about devicedrivers and game components detected on your system, such asdevice, type, vendor, driver, provider and version.

From the main panel of the program you can check out the status ofyour driver performance (e.g. good, very bad, extremely bad),activate the scan mode with just one click, and view the results ofthe last scan.

Changing the looks of the application can be done by opting for ablack or white theme, altering the transparency and changing thefont size.

Update or uninstall drivers
Driver Booster is able to automatically download the necessaryupdates and install them. What’s more, it automatically creates asystem restore point, so you can easily revert the changes in caseof errors or other types of malfunctions.

You may stop the download process, enable the silent installationmode (the updating takes place in the background and you cancontinue with your work without receiving notifications andpopups), uninstall drivers, as well as enable severalpost-processing actions, such as restart or reboot the computer atthe end of the task.

Intuitive configuration panel
There’s nothing complicated about the configuration panel, as youmay easily tweak several parameters. You can launch the app atWindows startup, automatically start the scan mode when the tool islaunched, schedule the scan to start daily, weekly, biweekly ormonthly, and display drivers that pass WHQL tests.

What’s more, the utility lets you automatically scan newlyconnected devices, pick the saving directory where all thedownloads are stored, automatically create a restore point before adriver is installed, build up a list with ignored devices (that areskipped from the scanning process), as well as set up networkparameters.

An overall efficient and reliable driver updatingapp
All in all, Driver Booster successfully mixes up a user-friendlyinterface with a handy pack of features for helping you update yourdrivers and game components without investing a lot of time andeffort into it. There’s also a Pro version of the program, whichcan be found on the official site of the application, which offerssupport for driver backup for safe restore, enhanced hardwarefunctionality, automatic program updates and other functions.

Installer Size: 18.2 MB

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