Umberto NXT CO2 v7.1.13.227 Keygen Serial


Software Description:

In Umberto NXT CO2 you can model your productlife cycle and a production processes conveniently and quickly.Perform a reliable calculation of your Product Carbon Footprint(PCF) or Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF).

Umberto – our solution for your challenges in engineeringsustainability:
– improve material and energy efficiency
– reach resource efficient processes
– reduce the climate impact of production systems
– increase the sustainability performance of products

Highlights of our carbon footprint software
Save time on data research with integrated data sets
In our software you have different databases at hand for thedetermination of the global warming potential (e.g. PAS 2050,BioGrace). With the ecoinvent 3.3 GWP data you are working with themost current data available. This database is only available inUmberto NXT CO2 as it is compiled directly at ifu Hamburg. The datasets are ready-to-use in the software and reduce the time-consumingdata research.
Umberto NXT CO2 contains GHG values (GWP 100a in kgCO2-equivalents) for:
– raw materials
– energy
– transport and more

Reliable CO2 balance following establishedstandard
Standards give a good orientation and increase credibility of theresults. The standard conformance provides the basis for theverification by an independent third party. In Umberto NXT CO2 youcan determine a carbon footprint in accordance to the followingstandards:
– GHG Protocol
– ISO/TS 14067
– PAS 2050

Convincing visualization with Sankey diagrams
Clearly point out the climate relevant emissions along the productlife cycle in just one Sankey diagram. This enables you torecognize the environmental improvement potential at a glimpse.
With our software the carbon footprint results can be communicatedeasily to colleagues, customers or third parties.

Installer Size: 76.4 MB

Download Links : Umberto NXT CO2 v7.1.13.227 + Crack

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