Download Stardock Fences v3.0.5 + Crack


Software Description:

Fences is a one-of-a-kind program, allowing youto draw labeled shaded areas on your desktop, which become movable& resizable containers for your desktop icons. These groups canhelp bring organization and consistency to your computer’s desktop,solving the “constant mess” problem that has plagued the desktopsince its inception.
Furthermore, this application will help you finally enjoy thedesktop background you have hiding behind all those icons. Inaddition to its organizing features, Fences offers a novelquick-hide feature (in-patenting-process). Double click yourdesktop, and all your icons will fade out. Double click again, andthey’ll return.

Here are some key features of “Fences”:
– Rope off your desktop
Fences allows you to create shaded areas on your desktop that youcan place icons in. You can label them however you wish, andmove/resize them anywhere on the desktop. Pre-included layouts helpspeed the process for new users.

– See your wallpaper again! Quickly hide & show allyour icons with an easy double-click
Double click blank space on your desktop, and all your icons willfade out. Double click again, and they’ll return. We think thisfeature is so useful and unique, that we’ve applied for a patent onit. You can even pick icons and individual Fences to exclude!

– Create snapshots, and have automatic scaling (for screensize changes)
Take and restore snapshots of your Fence layouts for backup, or forwhen you are doing different tasks. Change your resolution forplaying games and Fences will keep them in the same relative spots.In the Pro version of Fences, the “snapshot” feature has beenenhanced to automatically take and keep recent snapshots on hand,ensuring your desktop layout never gets lost.

Installer Size: 9.33 MB

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