Download PicturesToExe Deluxe v9.0.14 Crack Serial


Software Description: PicturesToExe Deluxe v9.0.14 Full Crack

PicturesToExe Deluxeallows you to create impressive photo and video slideshows for PC,Mac, DVD and YouTube. Add images and video clips together with alleffects: Pan/Zoom/Rotate, 3D transformations, masks, shadows.

PicturesToExe can use source media files without conversion. Noneed to wait to see the result of your work. Instant preview of aslideshow in real time. Highest quality of picture and smoothplayback of animation.

PicturesToExe Deluxe also is an excellent choice for advanced usersand for wedding photographers. PicturesToExe Deluxe provides theuser with all the necessary tools to create a great-lookingphoto/video slideshow or documentary.

Extensive functionality of PicturesToExe Deluxe has already beenappreciated all around the world. This is especially true for theUK and France, where PicturesToExe has become the first choice forcreating audio-visual shows for international festivals and localcompetitions.

PicturesToExe Deluxe creates an executable file with your slideshowin a few seconds that does not require any additional program torun the slideshow (even PicturesToExe itself is not necessary).

The slideshow can be accompanied by sound or text comments to eachslide or by any music file from your collection. The timeline witha waveform facilitates the synchronization of the pictures to thebackground music.

You can easily record voice comments to slides right inPicturesToExe. If there is a need for demonstrating a slideshow ona Mac, PicturesToExe Deluxe can create an executable file for theMac too. The program can burn a DVD disc, produce HD video files,video for iPhone and iPad. Publish slideshows on YouTube andFacebook. Give PicturesToExe Deluxe a try to see what it’s reallycapable of!

Here are some key features of “PicturesToExeDeluxe”:
Images and Video Clips in Slideshows:
– Add video clips and images together with all effects:Pan/Zoom/Rotate, 3D transformations, masks, shadow.

Quality and Fast Performance:
– Instant preview of your slideshow in real time on full screen.PicturesToExe can use source media files without conversion. Noneed to wait to see result of your work. PicturesToExe useshardware acceleration for flawless and smooth playback ofslideshows. Highest quality of picture with all details. Sharpnesscontrol includes the unsharp mask.

Objects and Animation with 3D Effects:
– Hierarchical system of objects (Images, Videos, Text) forcreative usage. Objects (layers) have keyframes for complexanimation and 3D effects.

Output for PC and Mac in Executable File:
– PicturesToExe produces a single executable file for PC or Mac,which contains all images, music and videos. A slideshow inexecutable file (EXE) can be played on any PC under Windows 7,Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Slideshows for Mac requires OSX 10.4or later.

DVD and Video Output:
– Export high quality HD video file (in H.264 format) for playbackon PC, Mac or TV with USB. Watch slideshows on your iPad andiPhone. Burn DVD video discs with your slideshows quickly andeasily.

Music and Audio Editing:
– Add background music to your slideshow and sound comments toselected slides. You can use the timeline with waveform to exactlysynchronize slides to music. PicturesToExe supports multipleaudio-tracks. Each audio clip can be edited and customized.

Installer Size: 47.5 MB

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