Download Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver v1.0 Full Version Cracked

The Moon is the satellite of our planet, and moves around it, asthe Earth moves around the Sun. Now it seems like common knowledge.Modern people are used to considering this fact as a general truth.But our predecessors didn’t think so. For quite a long period oftime people had an absolutely different view of the surroundingworld.
Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver allows you to travelthrough Time and Space to see what ancient people thought of theplace of our planet in the universe.
The rarity-like golden clock seems to be soaring in outer space.Decorated with extras from the ancient atlas, the face of the clockstands for the Earth, while its semi-transparent outlining acts asan orbit for the Moon and the Sun moving around our planet.
The clock is encircled with 12 gorgeously shimmering zodiacconstellations: Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagitarius, Scorpio, Libra,Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. Zodiac Clock3D Screensaver highlights the current zodiac sign and shows thedate, day of the week and month. With this screensaver in action,try to concentrate and listen carefully and maybe you will sharethe eternal wisdom of the ever-shining stars!
Zodiac Clock 3D Screensaver is based on the medieval drawings andatlas illustrations created by the astronomers and scientists ofthat time. Modern graphics technologies in a perfect combinationwith an original music track instantly take you up to the boundlessnight sky full of beaming starlight! Furthemore, you will be ableto create your own configuration for this great outer space journeyby selecting your preffered music tracks from your own personalcollection!

Installer Size: 8.8 MB

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